Searched: ( CurrentState = 'New' ) AND ( (AppliesTo = 'Engine') OR ( (AppliesTo = 'Extension') AND ( Component ~ '*AutoViewTemplatePlugin*' OR Component~'*BehaviourContrib*' OR Component~'*ClassicSkin*' OR Component~'*ClosedItems*' OR Component~'*CommentPlugin*' OR Component~'*CompareRevisionsAddOn*' OR Component~'*Configure*' OR Component~'*ConfigurePlugin*' OR Component~'*Documentation*' OR Component~'*EditRowPlugin*' OR Component~'*EditTablePlugin*' OR Component~'*EmptyPlugin*' OR Component~'*FamFamFamContrib*' OR Component~'*FastCGIEngineContrib*' OR Component~'*FixesReleaseNotes*' OR Component~'*FixesReleaseNotesTml*' OR Component~'*HistoryPlugin*' OR Component~'*HomePagePlugin*' OR Component~'*InterwikiPlugin*' OR Component~'*JEditableContrib*' OR Component~'*JQueryPlugin*' OR Component~'*JSCalendarContrib*' OR Component~'*JsonRpcContrib*' OR Component~'*MailerContrib*' OR Component~'*MajorReleaseBlocker*' OR Component~'*MinorReleaseBlocker*' OR Component~'*ModPerlEngineContrib*' OR Component~'*NatEditPlugin*' OR Component~'*NeedsResolution*' OR Component~'*PatchReleaseBlocker*' OR Component~'*PatternSkin*' OR Component~'*PlainFileStoreContrib*' OR Component~'*PreferencesPlugin*' OR Component~'*RCSStoreContrib*' OR Component~'*ReleaseBlockersReleaseMeeting*' OR Component~'*ReleaseLows*' OR Component~'*ReleaseNormals*' OR Component~'*ReleaseNotes*' OR Component~'*RenderListPlugin*' OR Component~'*SlideShowPlugin*' OR Component~'*SmiliesPlugin*' OR Component~'*SpreadSheetPlugin*' OR Component~'*StandardReleaseComponent*' OR Component~'*SubscribePlugin*' OR Component~'*TWikiCompatibilityPlugin*' OR Component~'*TablePlugin*' OR Component~'*TinyMCEPlugin*' OR Component~'*TipsContrib*' OR Component~'*TopicUserMappingContrib*' OR Component~'*TwistyPlugin*' OR Component~'*UnitTestContrib*' OR Component~'*UpdatesPlugin*' OR Component~'*WaitingForSomeone*' OR Component~'*WysiwygPlugin*' ) ) ) AND (TargetRelease != 'minor')

Results from Tasks web retrieved at 09:34 (GMT)

System.Macros#RENDERZONE states: Zones are cleared after being rendered; they are only ever rendered once. This appears to be incorrect, at least in 1.1.6. Specif...
My page contains the following text: Some text When I look in the previewer "Some text" is displayed in "Blue", when I save the text "Some text" is displayed as "...
I just discovered that MailerContrib expands common .Macros prior to processing the list of subscriptions. This opens the possibility of designing significant...
When using the "news mode" in MailerContrib, most macros in the body of the target topic seem to expand normally, however both .VarSEARCH and DBCachePlugin's DBQU...
Since moving to unicode, some regexes may have changed and the core requirements may also have changed. Main.CrawfordCurrie 15 Feb 2018
I found /System/PatternSkinCssCookbookHideActions Thank you very much!! However, this CSS code doesn't hide "More Topic Actions" which contans many things a g...
After activiating mod_perl the save action on a topic generates the following error: Error saving topic During save of AdicomSoftware.KnownIssues an error was fou...
Main.JanKlusak 15 Apr 2020 If there is a comment macro at the end of a page, its position is not correctly found. This is easily reproducible, if there is a comme...
Main.ChristianKern 11 Jun 2020 In Foswiki, when setting a variable, you may easily end up with values containing trailing blanks. For example, by writing Set␣SKIN...
With Perl 5.30 we're seeing additional deprecation warnings from regexs in the ChecklistTablePlugin: Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here (and will be...
Item14033 implemented a new Foswiki::Request::JSON which basically is a reimplementation of Foswiki::Contrib::JsonRpcContrib::Requiest. However these two aren't ...
I recently dived into Perl::Critic and found it to be a massively useful tool. Only problem is on agreeing or not with the findings it makes and thus configure it...
However this is not the case when importing LDAP groups. These aren't wiki words necessarily. Proposed patch: diff git a/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/MailerContrib/WebNot...
When sorting a table, TablePlugin will sort as a date any string that: * contains a (partial) date anywhere * contains an upper case "T" Example: Title ...
If a topic includes a table from another topic, and has multiple EDITTABLEs, attempting to add a row to the first EDITTABLE, adds a row to the 2nd EDITTABLE. Su...
Main.ErykZaplata 07 Jun 2023 A user can potentially edit a page and save it before its fully loaded into the editor causing the processing.gif to be placed as a n...
Main.PaulPathiakis 22 Jun 2023 Good day. I've managed to get this installed and working with the help of the FreeBSD Project people on ver 13.2 with 2.1.7. Howe...
While trying to delete an attachment with the filename "20220609_Flucht und Rettungswege OG2 2 A2Q.pdf" I get the following error: Achtung Verschieben des Anhangs...
Current core plugins those that are shipped as part of the distro are listed in core/lib/MANIFEST. Any other plugin or contrib should be moved out of the dist...
What a mess. Main.MichaelDaum 21 Aug 2023
This is a larger task as most of the System documentation assumes WikiWord autolinking is enabled. If it is disabled will some of the documentation links be non f...
This covers the base feature as propopsed in Development/AddDefaultWebName Main.MichaelDaum 19 Sep 2023
What a mess. Main.MichaelDaum 27 Nov 2023
The safari web browser displays the sidebar at the bottom of the page as of Foswiki 2.1.8. Main.WyattChilders 29 Dec 2023 Can you share a screenshot as well a...
I updated to 2.1.8, and accidentally enabled the latest 3.x JQuery. When I visit bin/configure, it immediately shows "Save 1 change" Save changes to : {Scrip...
SafeWikiPlugin reduces XSS vulnerabilities by stripping out resources (images, js, etc) that are loaded from absolute URLs with a protocol://hostname part. So con...
There's no save/continue/cancel button in fullscreen. I have had one phone call pleading "I lost my save button", a user who meant to switch to raw but clicked fu...
I could be wrong, but was under the impression Extensions.ChecklistTablePlugin depended on Extensions.ChecklistPlugin. These two plugins need some other, more ser...
See TWiki:Support/TWikiRegistrationHowToCheckUsername and TWiki:Support/PreventReRegistration as examples of the need. I suggest the following user hooks: 1 Tw...
I just found a number of instances where I had forgotten the 's * IF{"%TOPIC% allows 'CHANGE'" then="change allowed" else="change not allowed"} * * ...
It would be very nice to be able to extract all strings from a web and give the PO file to the user to make possible to localize local applications by attaching ...
It is nice to experiment with various stylels, but shouldn't we reach some sort of stability? Just as we got used to the tabs on top, they are replaced by orange ...
eg, try %INCLUDE{ "" }% WN Undeferred, post Dakar CC
Item655. does not get linked. WebHome. does get linked. AC Item655 is not a WikiWord however, ThisIsAWikiWord123 should link this is not a bug its an enhanc...
Real World: The users ask "How do I login?" I tell them to look at the top of the left menu bar. "Oh!" Its just as easy to have the login form there as the link...
Is it the "Sandbox Web" or the "Sandbox web"? "Backlinks in Main Web" or "Backlinks in Main web"? Maybe its my English and I don't intuitively feel where to use "...
For me, one of the most powerful features of Foswiki (TWiki) is the search facility. Learning how to perform these searches means reading all the search documenta...
That Dakar has a set of functionality test scripts is a huge benefit over Cairo for ensuring the robustness of functionality. Will's Tinderbox.WebHome records the...
Cairo had pub/icn/_filetypes.txt to map from icon name to icon file. This functionality is now missing. Test case using %ICON{...}%: * jpg * jpeg * zip...
Hi, the installer shipped with Extensions.TimeTablePlugin is getting the dependency information wrong. This is on FreeBSD 7.1 with Perl 5.9 and running the instal...
I'm using MailerContrib for sending topics as newsletter (complete content). It is working fine with one exception: If there is a Table of contents (%TOC%) in a t...
The TWiki.WebTopicCreator uses a piece of javascript to pick a "good" (i.e. compliant) name from something that the user chooses. This is only used in the topic...
A variant on an explicit SECTION{"A"}...ENDSECTION{"A} / INCLUDE{section="A"} ... I want to include the content from the same section heading from a variety of pa...
If I was the person to trash an item I should also be able to untrash it.
Maybe I can demo it here * Normal bullet first level * Normal bullet 2nd level * We start with bullet 2nd level here * And another line same ...
see Sandbox.TestExpandVarsOnIncludedPage WN Right that's consistent with Cairo. CC but that's probably the way it ought to work, right? so, i'm setting...
r5 - 19 Nov 2005 - 07:09 by PeterThoeny
Number of topics: 46
Topic revision: r1 - 05 Jun 2015, UnknownUser
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