Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes


One-line summary
Summary text 85     M


Use Main.UserName. You will automatically be informed of changes to your report (see WebNotify). You can put multiple names, separated by a space.
ReportedBy text 35 WikiGuest   M

Codebases this task applies to

Codebase checkbox 5    
  label   If you know it, what SVN range (first-last) was this first noticed in? (Required if Codebase is foswiki)  
SVN Range text 8      

Applies To

Select which area of development this applies to (use Extension for Plugins, Skins, Contribs etc)
  • Engine the core code, not including plugins/contribs bundled with the standard release (these are Extensions)
  • Extension plugins, skins, contribs, wiki applications
  • Web Site tasks and issues related to the project website
  • Marketing Marketing related tasks

Please report documentation issues like any other issue, against the relevant component i.e. Engine, Extension. Documentation issues are no different to code issues, and need to be tracked the same way. | | |
AppliesTo select 1     M

Affected Component

See Component. If AppliesTo is "Engine" this is the component of the engine affected (e.g. "[[Documentation]]", "[[Configure]]" etc). If AppliesTo is "Extension", please indicate the name of the extension here e.g. "WysiwygPlugin", "MailerContrib", "LanguageFr". The main purpose of this field is so that tasks can be grouped according to specific components, so please try to re-use component names that exist in Component.
Component textboxlist;contenttype=application/json;section=ComponentList If applicable


  • Enhancement means the issue describes a WIBNIF (wouldn't it be nice if). This is for agreed-upon enhancements only. To raise a proposal for a new feature go to FeatureProposals .
  • Low means the issue is non-critical, and is really more of an annoyance than anything else
  • Normal means that this is probably a bug, but can be lived with
  • Urgent means it really is a bug, and can't be lived with An open Urgent will block a release
  • Security tasks are hidden from view by anyone except the original author and the SecurityGroup.
Priority select 1     M

Current State

  • New the issue has just been found, and hasn't been analysed yet, or there is new data about an existing issue.
  • Waiting for Feedback the report was insufficient to analyse the issue, and more feedback is needed from the person named in the "Waiting For" field. Once the reporter has added feedback they should flip the state back to "New" by editing the topic and changing the CurrentState. If feedback is not received within 30 days, the issue will be discarded.
  • Confirmed the issue has been analysed, and the bug is confirmed by a developer or second party. The item can henceforth be classified regarding release blocking status etc. Someone needs to pick it up and fix it.
  • Proposal Required The task requires an Accepted Feature Proposal with a committed developer before changes should be committed
  • Needs Developer Used for (Orphaned?) extensions, or enhancements. A developer needs to pick this up, analyze it and possibly implement it. Moves tasks out of the New "triage" queue.
  • Being Worked On the issue has been analyzed, and is being worked on by the developer named in the "Waiting For" field.
  • Needs Merge work on the issue has been completed in in a branch, but hasn't been merged over to the master branch yet. This might be because more testing is needed, or we're waiting for consensus on a feature.
  • Waiting for Release the issue reported has been fixed and is queued for release. See the TargetRelease field to see whether it is queued for the next patch, minor, or major release. If the reporter isn't satisfied with the fix, they should flip the state back to "New" and explain why. Note that the Waiting For Release field is used for generating the release note.
  • Closed the issue has been fixed to the satisfaction of the fixer, and has been through the "Waiting for release" state, and is now released to end users. If the reporter isn't satisfied with the fix, they should flip the state back to "New" and explain why. Note that bugs reported against new code (code that has not been released yet) or Extensions (Plugins etc) should jump straight to "Closed" without going through "Waiting for Release" first because we do not want these listed in the Foswiki release note.
  • No Action Required the issue was already fixed, or it's an RTFM, or could not be reproduced and feedback was never received, or it's for a rejected feature proposal.
  • Duplicate the issue has already been reported in a different task; Note the task you've left open in a comment. Try to mark the 'least-useful' task as the Duplicate
Please make sure there is an entry in the details explaining any state change.
CurrentState select 1     M
| | label | |

Waiting For

Use Main.UserName
  • If the Current State is "Waiting for Feedback" then this report is waiting for attention from the person named in this field.
  • If the Current State is "Being Worked On" that person is working on this problem (please do not set this on behalf of others! It should only be set by the person doing the work.)
Anyone listed will automatically be notified of changes to the report; see WebNotify. |
WaitingFor textboxlist;contenttype=application/json;section=UserList    


List of the subversion rev numbers that were generated by checkins that referred to this item in the log message.
Automatically maintained, do not modify unless you know exactly what you are doing!
Checkins text 35      


Used where the issue is planned to be incorporated in the next major, minor or patch release, and included in its release notes. It is not a prioritization field and should only be changed by Foswiki core developers.
  • n/a means not confirmed, or refers to an extension that is not part of a standard Foswiki release, or it hasn't been decided which release to target yet, or the fix was required because something broke in a prior bugfix (i.e. it's not supposed to be explicitly documented in the release notes).
  • patch refers to the next bugfix release, and should be used for bugfixes (if they're not extremely invasive) and minor corrections only.
  • minor refers to the next maintenance release, and may be used for minor functionality improvements and refactorings.
  • major refers to the next full release, and should be used for all functionality changes, and any deprecations.
This field should be set as soon as it is known which release the issue will be resolved in, so that the issue isn't missed while compiling the release notes. | | |
TargetRelease radio, n/a 4    

First codebase in which the problem was fixed

You should select a future release if the problem hasn't been fixed yet but the target version has been decided already. (This is optional but useful for planning.) Leave at n/a for non-core extensions. Otherwise, it makes sense to set this as soon as the fix has been committed to the target release branch. | | |
ReleasedIn select 1      

Checkins on Branches

List of branches with checkins for this task.
Automatically maintained, do not modify unless you know exactly what you are doing!
CheckinsOnBranches text 35      

trunk Checkins

List of the subversion rev numbers that were generated by checkins against the trunk branch that referred to this item in the log message.
Automatically maintained, do not modify unless you know exactly what you are doing!
trunkCheckins text 35      

master Checkins

List of the git checkins against the master branch that referred to this item in the log message.
Automatically maintained, do not modify unless you know exactly what you are doing!
masterCheckins text 35      

Item branch Checkins

List of the git checkins against item specific branches that refer to this item in the log message. Item specific branches are any branch starting with ItemNNNN-. Note that these checkins will become invalid once the branch is deleted.
Automatically maintained, do not modify unless you know exactly what you are doing!
ItemBranchCheckins text 35      

Release 2.1 Checkins

List of the git checkins against the Release 1.1 branch that referred to this item in the log message.
Automatically maintained, do not modify unless you know exactly what you are doing!
Release02x01Checkins text 35      

Release 2.0 Checkins

List of the git checkins against the Release 1.1 branch that referred to this item in the log message.
Automatically maintained, do not modify unless you know exactly what you are doing!
Release02x00Checkins text 35      

Release 1.1 Checkins

List of the git checkins against the Release 2.0 branch that referred to this item in the log message.
Automatically maintained, do not modify unless you know exactly what you are doing!
Release01x01Checkins text 35      

  excludetopic="Item*, WebAtom, WebChanges, WebCreateNewTopic, WebHome, WebIndex, WebLeftBar, WebNotify, WebPreferences, WebRss, WebSearchAdvanced, WebSearch, WebStatistics, WebTopicList"
  separator=", "
  limit="%URLPARAM{"limit" default="10"}%" 
  "lc(name)~lc('%URLPARAM{"term"}%*') AND'*UserForm'"
  excludetopic="WebAtom, WebChanges, WebCreateNewTopic, WebHome, WebIndex, WebLeftBar, WebNotify, WebPreferences, WebRss, WebSearchAdvanced, WebSearch, WebStatistics, WebTopicList, WikiUsers"
  separator=", "
  limit="%URLPARAM{"limit" default="10"}%" 
Topic revision: r115 - 10 Feb 2022, MichaelDaum
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