Known Issues of Foswiki 1.1.X Production Releases

These are known issues of Foswiki 1.1.X. If you are still using a 1.0.X version of Foswiki see KnownIssuesOfFoswiki01x00

The latest Foswiki release is available at Download

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See SecurityAlerts for full list of all alerts.

Release Foswiki-1.1.9

Major issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Item12705 Wysiwyg Editor Verbatim blocks are corrupted on save by Wysiwyg editor if $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{Locale} = 'utf-8';  

Release Foswiki-1.1.8

Major issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Item12413 Foswiki Compile error - Use of deprecated syntax (defined @array) on perl 5.16.x. distro:47816304f164
Item12414 Foswiki Error: 'tempfile' can't be called as a method at .../lib/Foswiki/ line 506. failure with recent versions of CPAN:File::Temp distro:62399f9b345d
Item12471 Foswiki Error: print() on closed filehandle $fh at lib/Foswiki/Configure/ line 374. Fails if critical directories are write protected and Foswiki detects it won't be able to run. distro:dc11c0604d18

Release Foswiki-1.1.7

Major issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Item12382 SSL Email Sending multiple messages over SSL, the 2nd message fails.  

Release Foswiki-1.1.6

Major issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Item12337 Installing & configuring Foswiki Item11755 added an undocumented dependency on CPAN:HTML::TreeBuilder >= 4.0 Fixed in Foswiki 1.1.7

Minor issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Item11900 Use of Foswiki behind proxies or load balancers. Foswiki needs to an option to force all URLs to be generated using the {DefaultUrlHost} Fixed in Foswiki 1.1.7.
Item12329 Registration approval The documented process for 3rd party review / approval of registration requests only has a lifetime of 6 hours before the pending registration expires. Fixed in Foswiki 1.1.7

Release Foswiki-1.1.5

Major issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Item11955 Installing & configuring Foswiki With new versions of the rcs tool (as shipped in newer Linux distros), attempts to access bin/configure results in an error message Argument "5.8.1" isn't numeric in numeric lt (<). This prevents access to configure. Fixed in Foswiki 1.1.6
ALERT! Untested! If you can't wait for the 1.1.6 release, try replacing lib/Foswiki/Configure/ which includes distro:a04add64a907
Item12022 High-traffic installations at the end of the month At the end of the month, Foswiki uses inefficient code to rotate the event and error logs before servicing the HTTP request. If the log files are large, and the webserver timeout settings prevent the process from rotating the logs, then no Foswiki processes will be able to service requests. The site stops responding. Fixed in Foswiki 1.1.6
You can rotate the logs manually by firstly stopping apache, and then running a view request from the command-line, Eg.:
cd /path/to/foswiki/bin; ./view

ALERT! Untested! If you can't wait for the 1.1.6 release, try replacing lib/Foswiki/Logger/ which includes distro:57d3d13c5c5a

Minor issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Item11929 Deleting and renaming files Rename and delete performance on all 1.1.x releases has been very slow, especially on larger wikis Fixed in Foswiki 1.1.6
ALERT! Untested! If you can't wait for the 1.1.6 release, try replacing lib/Foswiki/UI/ which includes distro:380afb2abb47

Release Foswiki-1.1.4

Major issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Item11440 & Item11378 WYSIWYG editing Some formatting inside of <pre> tags, and <s>/<strike> tags generally are being lost with the current versions of WysiwygPlugin & TinyMCEPlugin  

Minor issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Item11454 Performance Foswiki 1.1.4 is slower and shows as 'UnknownUser' when Topic.txt is mauled by an external process without updating its .txt,v file Work-around mentioned in Item11454; the last-modified time of .txt,v files in the affected web need to be equal to or later than the modified .txt to prevent Foswiki from accessing RCS history. A complete fix is forthcoming in a future patch release.

Release Foswiki-1.1.3

Major issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Tasks.Item10714 Date form fields Form fields of type date cannot be edited with pop-up calendar when using latest Internet Explorer versions Download fixed javascript file from Tasks.Item10714. Fix will be in 1.1.4. The fix also reactivates the browser alert when trying to save empty mandatory fields
Tasks.Item10874 Topics which have had DataForms added via the edit screen's "Add/change form" button, which were being QuerySearched on exact values that were expected to only contain the topic name part of a DataForm 's location Using "Add/change form" button saves fully-qualified Web.Topic name even if WEBFORMS = Topic. This might might make some topics invisible to some of your existing QuerySearches. Replace your copy of lib/Foswiki/UI/ with this version or apply distro:81f9bed8cd3c. See Tasks.Item10874 for more information including suggestions for finding and fixing the erroneous values
Tasks.Item11105 Attachment comments. When updating an existing attachment, the comment field is changed to a fixed string "save attachment" and any existing comment is lost. Apply the changes to lib/Foswiki/ and lib/Foswiki/Store/VC/ in Foswikirev:12443.

Minor issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Tasks.Item10468 Firefox 4 users where JQueryAutocomplete is enabled Up and Down Arrow-Keys not working with Firefox 4 (on input fields) Upgrade to latest JQueryPlugin
Tasks.Item10803 Un-authenticated users accessing /bin/compare for a protected topic when Foswiki is configured with ApacheLogin Broken Config.spec in CompareRevisionsAddOn causes illegal {SwitchBoard} value in Foswiki configuration Upgrade to latest CompareRevisionsAddOn

Release Foswiki-1.1.2

Major issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix

Minor issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Tasks.Item10022 Can only install one extension at a time in configure Configure has an error so if you selected multiple extensions for installation only the first was installed. Fixed in 1.1.3

Release Foswiki-1.1.1

Major issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Tasks.Item9904 Twisties will not close in Internet Explorer There is some javascript error that makes the TwistyPlugin calls to JQuery fail. TwistyPlugin version 1.6.8 fixes the problem. There is also a new version of JQueryPlugin 3.75 that you should upgrade to avoid JS errors in browser. Simply upgrade via configure or download and install the fixed versions. Fixed in Foswiki 1.1.2
Tasks.Item9936 Cache feature lacks files in 1.1.1 When you enable page caching {Cache}{Enabled} in configure Foswiki errors out because of missing files The missing files will be added in 1.1.2. Meanwhile you can download the missing files from Tasks.Item9936

Minor issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Tasks.Item9911 Formatted searces Formatted searches expands some $tokens it should not and fail to expand others. Fix has been checked checked into Subversion. You can download a patches from
Tasks.Item9970 Data forms Cannot save the value 0 in a formfield Fixed in 1.1.2
Tasks.Item9971 Searches of type query Cannot find empty form fields Fixed in 1.1.2

Release Foswiki-1.1.0

Major issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix

Minor issues

Task Ref Affects Description Fix
Tasks.Item9810 All It is not possible to add a group to a group with the new Groups API. Use the more topic actions link to edit the group preference settings directly. Fixed in 1.1.1
Tasks.Item9815 1.1.0 Twisty content Twisty state (open/closed) is not remembered between page views To support loading via AJAX, anonymous twisties are given random IDs. Specify a fixed ID if you are setting remember="on". A new version of TwistyPlugin to fix remember state on anonymous twisties should be available before the next patch release (1.1.1). Monitor TwistyPlugin for updates. Fixed in 1.1.1
Tasks.Item9819 Installing extensions Certain extensions, such as FullCalendarPlugin cannot be installed with the extensions installer or configure. An updated lib/Foswiki/Configure/ can be installed. Or manually install the extension by manually expanding the archive from the root of the Foswiki installation. Fixed in 1.1.1
Topic revision: r37 - 24 Dec 2013, GeorgeClark
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