50 recent changes in Extensions Web retrieved at 15:12 (GMT)

Jun 2024 45393 0 0 4929 ExtensionNews 2472 WebHome 2093 UpdatesPluginReport 1178 WebCreateNewTopic 756 MermaidPlugin 692 ChartPlugin ...
Foswiki Extensions: Plugins, Skins, Contribs Foswiki Extensions are optional pluggable components that can help enhance your Foswiki. %ADDTOHEAD{"WebHome" text="...
Extension News .rss img {vertical align:middle;} Submit a one liner news flash if you have released an important new extension or a major version of a new exten...
DeeplPlugin Description This plugin integrates Deepl into Foswiki as a translation system. That means, Deepl's API can be used to translate a text or even a whol...
WebFontsContrib This is a bundle of commonly used free web fonts to be used in your Foswiki skin. Each font comes with a handy font face definition that you may ...
WebCreatorPlugin Description This plugin extends the basic way of the Foswiki core to create webs, while circumventing some of the more arcane features that are ...
TrashPlugin This plugin lets you empty the trash bin on a regular base or immediately on request. By default deleting a topic, an attachment or a web, items are m...
TopicInteractionPlugin Description This plugin redesigns the way how users interact with topics and attachments in various ways: * improved attachment handlin...
TableOfContentsPlugin Description The %TOC macro, which is a part of the Foswiki core, has been updated to use a real HTML parser to extract headings. That way, ...
SocialSharePlugin Summary This plugin allows you to render so called social share buttons. Clicking on such a button will allow you to share content on other soc...
OEmbedPlugin oEmbed is a format for enabling an embedded representation of a URL on third party websites. The simple API allows a website to display embedded con...
MultiLingualPlugin This plugin enables you to create wiki content in multiple languages. While Foswiki normally supports over 20 languages to internationalize its...
MarkdownPlugin This plugin lets you write content using Markdown, a very popular markup language nowadays. It does not try to replace Foswiki's own TML markup lan...
LoremIpsumPlugin Description This plugin allows you to generate dummy text and images of various kinds. There are a couple of text collections from which to pull...
JQPackeryContrib Gapless, draggable grid layouts Packery is a JavaScript library and jQuery plugin that makes gapless and draggable layouts. It uses a bin packing...
JQMomentContrib This package integrates the moment.js library into Foswiki. The full API documentation is available at http://momentjs.com/docs/ Example E...
JQDataTablesPlugin Overview This plugin implements a widget to enhance normal HTML tables with extra navigation features such as sorting, filtering and paginatin...
JQCodeInputContrib Description This extension implements a code input widget providing a restricted way to request codes from a user, such as 6 digits of a two f...
MoreFormfieldsPlugin Description This plugin implements a set of additional special purpose formfields to be used in DataForm definitions. To make use of these f...
FeedPlugin This is a new plugin to render RSS and ATOM feeds from internet sites. It actually is a rework of the old HeadlinesPlugin now much leaner and more robu...
DBCachePlugin Description This is a lightweight frontend to the DBCacheContrib. The provided macros DBQUERY and DBCALL can be used as a replacement for SEARCH an...
DBCacheContrib Reusable code that caches Foswiki topics, and provides fast searches of the content. Summary of Contents This module supports fast structured quer...
%{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% Extension News Foswiki /Extensions/ExtensionNews Latest News on Foswiki Extensions en us Foswiki %FO...
WebNotify * .AndreLichtsteiner: * * .AndrejStefanko: ExtensionNews SolrPlugin WikiWorkbenchContrib AttachContentPlugin AttachmentListPlugin DirectedGraphPlugi...
WARNING: This extension isn't maintained and has got serious security problems. Please do not use!!! WikiDrawPlugin Usage WikiDrawPlugin uses SVG edit (trunk s...
WARNING: This extension isn't maintained and has got serious security problems. Please do not use!!! JQueryLibPlugin Description Provides jQuery libraries to F...
SAML Authentication with SamlLoginContrib Installation You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are ...
ListyPlugin This plugin implements an interactive list manager. A "Listy" is a collection of text or links that can be maintained easily using modal dialogs, drag...
LikePlugin This plugin lets you vote on topics, attachments and comments by means of a like or a dislike . All "likes" are stored within Foswiki, that is: they a...
FaviconPlugin Description While Foswiki itself allows you set a new favicon url per page using the %FAVICON preference setting, this plugin adds extra flexibilit...
CopyContrib This extension can be used to copy topics and webs. It allows to select which parts of an item is to copied. Typical use cases are: 1 duplicate top...
JQLargeTableContrib Toggle fullscreen display of large tables Description Large tables are difficult to display in browsers if they extend the available space ei...
JQPasswordGeneratorContrib Usage This extension implements a generator for random passwords. This feature is mostly useful for user interface asking for a new pa...
DateManipPlugin Description This plugin adds the power of date time manipulations of Date::Manip to Foswiki: * localized formatting of date time * time de...
XSendFileContrib Introduction This package implements a more efficient way to send static files using a web application like Foswiki. A standard configuration of...
WebLinkPlugin This plugin allows to render a link to a web. While linking to a topic is quite essential to wikis, linking to a web as an object of the wiki isn't ...
#VarWEBLINK WEBLINK * create a link to a web * Syntax: %WEBLINK{web="..." name="..."}% * Supported parameters: Parameter: Description: Defaul...
NumberPlugin This plugin allows to format * numbers, * currencies and * percentages in a localized way using the Unicode CLDR. It also allows to conve...
JQIMaskContrib Usage This extension bundles the fantastic imask.js package for Foswiki. Masks may be assigned to an input field in a declarative way: 1 assig...
SecurityHeadersPlugin HTTP headers are included in every HTTP response from a web server. Setting the appropriate HTTP headers can reduce the risk of man in the m...
SectionListPlugin Description This plugin lets you access the list of sections in a topic defined by .VarSTARTSECTION and .VarENDSECTION. Syntax %SECTIONLIST{" ...
RedDotPlugin This plugin renders a clickable red dot (.) to ease the edit access to a page. The red dot will only be visible if the current wikiuser has write acc...
RenderPlugin Description This plugin implements a couple of REST handlers to feetch content from a Foswiki backend. This can either be returned as plain content ...
MimeIconPlugin This plugin tries to map known mime types commonly found on the internet to an icon set. There are not many icon sets that have a got coverage of m...
#VarMIMEICON MIMEICON{"filename"} return a meaningful icon for this filename * Syntax: %MIMEICON{"filename"}% * Supported parameters: Parameter ...
QRCodePlugin Description This plugin lets you generate QR codes in your wiki apps. You simply feed it a string and it will render the QR image for it. You type: ...
JQLimitListPlugin Description This is a simple plugin to ease the display of very long lists. Sometimes those lists are so long that you may not be able or you d...
MediaElementPlugin This plugin adds media support to Foswiki using MediaElement.js. MediaElement.js is an easy cross browser HTML5 audio and video player in pure ...
ImageGeneratorPlugin Description ImageGeneratorPlugin is a plugin that lets you generate images based on textual information such as a person's first and last na...
JSTreeContrib This add on packages up the jQuery "jsTree" plugin to give you poserful support for display and manipulation of n ary tree data. See http://www.jstr...
Number of topics: 50
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See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes
Topic revision: r4 - 15 Nov 2006, ProjectContributor
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