CheckinRequest Gateway

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Recently modified topics: JonMcCoyWouldLikeToCheckIn, IgorAfteniWouldLikeToCheckIn, ProjectContributorWouldLikeToCheckInTopicTemplate, CharlieTianhello

Results from Development web retrieved at 02:57 (GMT)

CharlieTian Would Like to Check in Who am I? a developer What do I want? write access to SVN for the following branches: wikiplugins What can I do? Why do I w...
IgorAfteni Would Like to Check in Who am I? I'm developer, Usually I develop web apps * github userid: rigu What do I want? write access to the foswiki githu...
JonMcCoy Would Like to Check in Who am I? I started building web apps using Perl back in the late 90's, though my Perl is quite rusty I've been using Ruby sinc...
Would Like to Check in Who am I? * github userid: What do I want? write access to the foswiki github account for the following repositories or tools: * ...
Number of topics: 4

See also: WelcomeDeveloper, FoswikiDeveloper and InfrastructureTaskTeam
Topic revision: r5 - 13 Apr 2020, MichaelDaum
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