
Timeline: The survey finished.

The survey results are available now.

Thanks goes to all for participating!

Purpose: This survey is used as a renewed effort to come up with a shiny new name for what we call nextwiki for now. The first attempt ended with all names being rejected, burned or simply out for one or the other reason. This survey will be (a) "food for thought" for the copywriter to suggest a new list of names and (b) as a standardized set of constraints all candidate names have to adhere to.

Please, take this very seriously. We will have to live with the name for years. Note that this is no survey for a concrete project name. Moreover, it is a set of criteria as a guidance and clarification what this is all about. That's we had to learn from the previous attempt.

Afterwards, a new list of names will be proposed and voted on separately. This list may contain any names you proposed on FindingANewNameLockedDiscussion in the meantime, any reanimated names from the previous round and the names Stephan, the copywriter, might propose as a second correction round. This second round is covered by the current budget. Not so any further work for him. That's were his services will end or cost extra.

Background: Read more about all this at FindingANewName.

Survey: "Criteria for a new name"

Please answer the below questions.

Question 1

What is the most important thing that the name should try to do first?
We know that both can be important, but please select your first priority.

To attract as many users of the product as possible.

To attract as many contributors to the project as possible.

Question 2

Which are the 3 most important properties the new name should have?

Should clearly indicate what the tool does.

Should be a short word using 1-2 syllables (like twiki, word, excel).

Should be a long word using 3-4 syllables (like confluence, lotus notes).

Should sound hard/masculine, using k-p-c-t-f-sh-ck-x (like variax, assentis, quark express)

Should sound soft/feminine, using a-o-u-e-b-m (like joomla, exubera).

Should have the word "wiki" in it.

Should not have the word "wiki" in it.

Should be easy to pronounce, internationally.

Should be easy to remember.

Should be easy to write/spell

Should sound serious, attracting corporate users, i.e. does not distract too much by its unusualness.

Should have a touch of humour.

Should be a word play that combines one or more terms into a new one.

Should be an acronym (like OTP for Open Telecom Platform).

Question 3

What are the words that you associate with the project?
Please write down any words that come to mind.

Question 4

What is it that you like the most about the project?

Personal information

Will be kept confidential. This is just used to eliminate double submissions.

Name: Wiki Guest
Date: 04 Jul 2024 - 03:15


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%URLPARAM{"q2" multiple="on"}%



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<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ Question 1
What is the most important thing that the name should try to do first? 

attract new %URLPARAM{"q1"}%

<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ Question 2
Which are the *3* most importand properties the new name should have?

%IF{"'%URLPARAM{"q2" multiple="on"}%'!=''" then="
$percntFORMATLIST{\"%URLPARAM{"q2" multiple="on"}%\" format=\"$1\" split="\n" separator=\"<br />\"}$percnt

<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ Question 3
What are the words that you associate with the project?


<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ Question 4
What is it that you like the most about the project?


<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ Personal information
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        Regards, your nextwiki team.
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Topic revision: r8 - 26 Jan 2016, LynnwoodBrown
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